ALEXANDER MATHESON (died in Aug. 1841) [sic]
First house on west side of Road from Scullomey march [i.e., boundary] …
Lot No.3 of Plan 1829 … a very bountiful lot … cheap, and admirably
supplied with grazing … a garden …
House is a new tenantry one, slated, divided into three apartments and
Tenant and family: Tenant died 74 years old in 1841, left a widow now
about 69, a son already a Lotter in Blandie (ANGUS aged 41) and another,
KENNETH, aged 38, who always lived in family with him, also a daughter
married in the South and another married to JOHN MUNRO, a shepherd at
Ribigill. Kenneth married 18 months ago a daughter of DONALD MACKAY,
Clashvan [i.e. Clashbain Skerray], and has one daughter 7 months old. A
servant girl, JANET MACKAY, daughter of GEORGE MACKAY, Scullomey, also in
the house. There are thus in family 1 male and four females.
Change of Tenant: It having always been understood that Kenneth was to be
tenant upon his father’s death, determined that it should be so, raising
the rent 1 [shilling] that is to say, to £5 13s. It being however
expressly understood, that Kenneth should provide for and take every
possible care of his mother.
Stock: 4 cows, 4 sheep, 2 ponies.
ANGUS MATHESON First tenants house on the east side of
it a bay [?] – about 2 acres arable and about the same in pasture, in all
4 acres. Rent £3 11s. 6d. Has a garden. A little more may be taken in
and the patches joined. Very little trenched since he got the lot 8 or 9
years ago. Good land.
House: one of the old ones, with Byre communicating with the Kitchen,
this communication the tenant has promised to shut up, as it was formerly.
Family: tenant 41 years of age, a good active labourer . Has a wife and
six bairns, three sons 16, 13 and 4, and three daughters 11, 7 and 1.
Second daughter sickly from her injury and unable to take care of herself.
tenant, Torrisdale.
Stock: 4 cows, 1 stirk, 8 sheep.
JOHN MACKAY (Mackinlay). Second tenants house on east or upper
side of road from Scullomy march [i.e., boundary]..
Lot: part of no.2 of plan 1829, the middle part of it, say, about 1 1/3
acre arable, and in pasture fully 2½, in all about 3¾. A good deal more
ground might be advantageously taken in. Rent £3 10s. 5d. Trenched and
fenced about 25 falls 7 years ago and about 13 falls under the brae, in
all 38.
House: one of the old ones with Byre communicating, the [?] he has
promised to put up, as it stood formerly.
Family: tenant 68 years of age, has a wife and five children at home. two
sons 28 and 22, and three daughters 24, 22 and 19. Has also a son a tenant
at Achtotie. The eldest son now at home generally works in the South at
railways etc., and the youngest, an active young man, generally goes as a
[…] hand to the Herring fishing. Two daughters generally go to Caithness
or Harris.
DONALD ROSS Second house below road from Scullomy March
and the first from [several words illegible]
Lot: part of No.2 plan 1829 - the east part of it - has about 1 acre and
one fourth arable, and in pasture fully 3 acres. Rent £1 17s. 10d., very
cheap lot and much good land might easily be taken in. A piece below the
road ought to be trenched forthwith. Has taken in about 12 falls
including a small garden, cleared away [illegible] etc.
House: one of the old ones, and no partition between House and Byre, which
to be put up.
Tenant: about 40 years of age and a good active labourer. has a wife and
six children, two sons 7 and 5, and four daughters 13, 11, 9 and 3. Talks of taking into the apartment occupied by ROBERT MACKAY, the wife’s
brother, and mother from the Glebe.
Stock: 2 cows, 1 stirk, 5 sheep and 1 pony.
[1] To the east of Matheson’s lot and within less than a
dozen yards of his [fence?].
ELSPETH MATHESON, 54, has a son by
[i.e., at home] and unable to work. Her sister
aged 39 [or 34], very poor, sew and work
stockings. The eldest said to be on Poors’ Roll. Do not beg, and are
thought to be badly off tho’ they do not complain. House built partly of
stone and fairly good of the kind. It [two words illegible] to the tenant
of the lot, and ought to be removed.
[2] House on the east boundary
of Matheson’s Lot is occupied by
KETTY MACKAY BRUCE, age about 70, infirm and often bedfast [i.e.,
confined to bed], and on the Poors’ Roll. Her sister
BETTY MACKAY BRUCE [illegible word], 65, always sickly and
likewise on Poors’ Roll, or at times thought to be so. Also MARY CAMPBELL of
Clashedy, a
[illegible] of 60 and infirm, supported [illegible] by their neighbours.
House: a virtual hovel outside of the Dyke, that is to say, with the back
wall on the Dyke.
Stock: 4 or 5 sheep.
General [Blandy]
A considerable quantity of land might be easily and satisfactorily taken
in here, therefore promised to give a pick to the tenant who shall do most
in this way before 1st April next, it being always understood, that no
permission will be given, unless the improvement is considered by the
Factor … of being Ret…[ two or 3 lines nearly illegible]