Tongue Memorials | Tongue Kirk | Skerray Cemetery | Melness Cemetery


In loving memory of our father WILLIAM SUTHERLAND, who died at Braetongue, 5th March 1929 aged 78 years. Also our sister CARRIE, who died 14th April 1899 aged 12 years. And our mother MARION GORDON, who died 9th April 1943 aged 81 years. Also our brother KENNETH, who died 9th January 1963 aged 65 years. And our sister MARY ANN, who died 27th April 1979 aged 75 years. And our sister BARBARA who died 12th April 1980 aged 84 years. Gone but not forgotten.
[added on the plinth]
Also their sister CAROLINE ANNE WILLIS, who died 6th April 1981 aged 81 years. Also VIOLET RUBY RODER, wife of KENNETH, who died 10th August 1993 aged 90 years. R.I.P.

St Andrew's Church, Tongue, Sutherland