Alasdair Sutherland, Never More. The Story of Tongue, Melness & Skerray War Memorials, pp. 142-144 (Woodend Publishing, Tongue). GEORGE GUNN MACKAY, Strathan Skerray "... youngest son of George and Johan Mackay from the first house in Strathen, Skerray. He enlisted into the Army in Golspie at the age of 19 ... Seaforth Highlanders ... Third Battle of Ypres ... wounded 31st July 1917 ... moved to casualty clearing station .. died from wounds the following day at the age of 19, he had been at the front for only 2 months. George had two brothers who both served ... during the First World War. Robert served in the Canadian Engineers and Hector with the Army Service Corps, they both survived the war and returned home. His sister Jessie (Tot) married Gordon Burr (younger brother of Peter and Charles Burr, Tongue War Memorial) ..."
1901 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 9, page 3, schedule no. 8, household of George Mackay (Strathmore Skerray); George C Mackay 48 M crofter and Inspector of Poor, Tongue Johan Mackay 39 M wife, Tongue Maggie A Mackay 12 daughter, Tongue Ina Mackay 11 [Robertina] daughter, Tongue Carry B Mackay 5 daughter, Tongue Ellen Mackay 7mo daughter, Tongue Hector Mackay 9 son, Tongue Robert Mackay 7 son, Tongue George Mackay 2 son, Tongue