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Murdo Young with a good catch.(photo, Murdo Young
Kirsty na Moine at Scullomie (photo, Winnie Rae Mackay)
Angusina Sutherland, Swinton Young and Prince, c.1930 (photo, Murdo Young)
Haymaking at Scullomie, c.1928 (photo, Murdo Young).
Donald Sutherland, Scullomie (1862-1942) (photo, Murdo Young)
Johan Sutherland Young at the door of No.168 (photo, Murdo Young)
Lexy Sutherland, Christine Munro and Murdo Young (photo, Murdo Young)
Lexy Sutherland and Kate Munro at Scullomie (photo, Murdo Young)
A dab hand at the shearing? (photo, Lindsay Robertson)
Sandy Sutherland(1902-1984) on his beloved AJS, with Inabelle Mackay (1908-1998) (photo, James Mackay)
Lexy's daughter, Marion Sutherland (1912-c.1990) (photo, Murdo Young)
Murdo at Scullomie with a local visitor (who was she?) (photo, Murdo Young)
Lexy's son, Murdo Sutherland (1912-c.1980) (photo, Murdo Young)
Scullomie written on the back is our only clue - who was this young soldier? (photo, Winnie Rae Mackay)
Lexy with her daughter-in-law Hughag and daughter Johan (photo, Murdo Young)
Album last updated on May 27, 2006 - 09:22 PM
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