Murdo McLEOD [5764]
(1832-1918) |
Murdo McLEOD [5764]
• 1866: Murdo McLEOD migrated (just married) to New Zealand . 2 Murdo married Catherine MUNRO [5594] [MRIN: 1716], daughter of Hector MUNRO [412] and Johan SUTHERLAND [413], on 8 Jun 1866 in Tongue, SUT.1 2 (Catherine MUNRO [5594] was born on 17 Apr 1844 in Scullomie, Tongue 4 and died on an unknown date in New Zealand.) |
Tongue Marriages 1866 056/03 image (Murdoch McLeod).
8th June 1866 Free Church of Tongue, after banns; MURDOCH McLEOD, 33, Scullomy, William McLeod, shepherd, Ann McLeod ms McLeod; CATHERINE MUNRO, 22, Scullomy, Hector Munro, tenant; Johan Munro ms Sutherland; witnesses Hector Munreo, Andrew McKay.
2 Aliceson Scott email 2004-04-28.
3 LDS Batch C110482 Durness 1764-1854.
4 Karen Sutherland-Pahia OPR transcripts, Scullomie events.
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