Johan Sutherland [413]
(1818-1901) |
Johan Sutherland [413]
• 6 Jun 1841 census: member of household of Harry Munro at Kildonan, SUT. 4 • 29 Jun 1844: age not shown, wife of Hector Munro, resided at Scullomie, Tongue. 5 • 30 Mar 1851 census: wife of Hector Munro at Scullomie, Tongue. 6 • 7 Apr 1861 census: wife of Hector Munro at Scullomie, Tongue. 7 • 2 Apr 1871 census: wife of Hector Munro at Scullomie, Tongue. 8 • 3 Apr 1881 census: age 63, wife of Hector Munro at Scullomie, Tongue. 9 • 5 Apr 1891 census: age 74, widow, living with her daughter Catherine at Strath Melness, Tongue, SUT. 10 • 31 Mar 1901 census: age 83, widowed mother of William Munro at Strathtongue, Tongue. 11 Johan married Hector Munro [412], son of Andrew Munro [2503] and Margaret Mackay [2504], on 16 Jul 1843 in Tongue, SUT.1 (Hector Munro [412] was born in 1813 in Tongue, SUT 12 and died on 2 Jan 1884 in Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, MLN 3 12 13.) |
1 LDS Batch M110564 Tongue 1819-1854.
Tongue Deaths 1901 056/30 image (Johan Sutherland Munro, Scullomie).
JOHAN MUNRO 12 November 1901 at Skullomie. age 83, crofter. widow of Hector Munro. William Sutherland mason decd. Christina Sutherland ms McLeod decd. senile decay. Informant William Munro, son, present.
3 Tongue Tenants Roll 166 Scullomie (old no.10).
1841 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 52 Kildonan, enumeration district (ED) 2, page 2, household of Harry Munro (Auchentaul);
Harry Munro 35 head, Sutherland
Angusina Munro 30 Sutherland [wife]
Johan Sutherland 20 farm servant, Sutherland
William Gordon 35 labourer, Sutherland
Christopher McKay 25 labourer, Sutherland
Anne Mcdonald 40 Sutherland
Anne Gunne 75 Sutherland
"J. Horsburgh factor's visitation of Tongue tenants, 1844-1845,"; ms notebook; Sutherland Estate Papers DEP 313/184; National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh;
29 June 1844 - SCULLOMIE No.10 - HECTOR MUNRO Second house on west side of road. Lot No.3 of Plan 1829. 2.2.19 arable and -.3.21 in pasture, in all 3.2. Has improved and drained a good deal since 1829. Now in good order and no more land to take in. Rent £4 15s. 11d. Garden.
House A new Tenantry one - thatched - clay partition, lofted over room.
Family - tenant an active young fellow about 31 years of age, a weaver and herring fisher. Has a wife [Johan Sutherland] and one child of 2 months old [Catherine]. The Mother [Margaret Mackay], a woman of 72 lives with him and likewise his Brother Hugh, aged 25, who is also a weaver and a fisher. Mother on Poors' Roll. Stock - 3 cows, 1 stirk, 18 sheep; on-line transcript at http://cmy.iay.org.uk/resources/1844.htm
1851 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 10, page 3, schedule no. 24, household of Hector Munro (Scullomie);
Hector Munro 39 weaver, farmer of 3 acres,
Johan Munro 33 wife, Tongue
Cathrine Munro 7 daughter, Tongue
Margret Munro 4 daughter, Tongue
Andrew Munro 2 son, Tongue
William Munro 2 son, Tongue
Andrew Munro 19 nephew, apprentice weaver, Tongue
Margret Munro 16 niece, ag.labourer, Tongue
1861 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 8, page 15, schedule no. 55, household of Hector Munro (Scullomie);
Hector Munro 49 head, woollen weaver, Tongue
Johan Munro 43 wife, Tongue
Margt Munro 15 daughter, Tongue
Andw Munro 13 son, Tongue
William Munro 13 son, Tongue
Christina Munro 10 daughter, Tongue
Emily Munro 7 daughter, Tongue
Alex Munro 2 son, Tongue
1871 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 8, page 11, schedule no. 57, household of Hector Munro (Scullomie);
Hector Munro 57 weaver, Tongue
Johan Munro 51 wife, Tongue
William Munro 21 son, fisherman, Tongue
Christy Munro 19 daughter, general servant, Tongue
Emily Munro 17 daughter, general servant, Tongue
Catherine Munro 8 daughter, scholar, Tongue
1881 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 8, page 12, schedule no. 50, household of Hector Munro (Scullomie, Tongue);
Hector Munro 68 M head, worsted weaver, Tongue
Johan Munro 63 M wife, Tongue
Hugh Reid 35 M son-in-law, mason, Tongue
Christina M Reid 29 M daughter, Tongue
Catherine Munro 19 U daughter, general servant, Tongue
Margret Reid 2 grand-daughter, Tongue
William Reid 2 months, grandson, Tongue
1891 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 6, page 5, schedule no. 19, household of Catherine Mackay (Strath Melness);
Catherine McKay 28 widow, cottar, Tongue
Hugh McKay 5 son, Tongue
Hector M McKay 3 son, Tongue
McKay McKay 1 son, Tongue
Johan Munro 74 mother, Tongue
1901 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 8, page 10, schedule no. 50, household of William Munro (Strathtongue);
William Munro 52 fisherman, Tongue
Catherine Munro 39 wife, Tongue
Hector Munro 15 son, Tongue
Williamina Munro 13 daughter, Tongue
Alexander Munro 11 son, Tongue
Donald Munro 9 son, Tongue
Johan Munro 6 daughter, Tongue
Hugh Munro 3 son, Tongue
Margaret Munro 1 daughter, Tongue
Johan Munro 83 widowed mother, Tongue
Edinburgh St Giles Deaths 1884 685-4/44 Hector Munro (Scullomie).
HECTOR MUNRO, 2 January 1884, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Us. res. Scullomey. married to Joan [sic, usually Johan] Sutherland. Andrew Munro woollen weaver decd. Margaret Munro ms Mackay decd. Senile gangrene of toes 2½ months, cardiac syncope sudden. Informant. Alex Neil chief Porter Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
Tongue F.C Deacons Court Minutes 1884-1907 NAS CH3/449, item 2,
"3 March 1884, The deacons hereby record their sense of the loss to this court and to the congregation sustained by the death of Mr Hector Munro, who for many years served the congregation by a careful and diligent discharge of all the duties of the deaconship, and was a consistent, active and conscientious member in this congregation from his early life to the time of his decease.
5 May 1884, Mr John McKay, Scullomie, was appointed Trustee on the McKay Trust in room of the late Mr Hector McKay deceased.".
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