Hugh MUNRO [2466]
(Abt 1818-1879) |
Hugh MUNRO [2466]
Brother of HECTOR MUNRO in Scullomie - the two brothers married two sisters.
• Hugh worked as a weaver, herring fisher, meal monger, merchant, general merchant. 4 6 7 • 29 Jun 1844: age 25, weaver and fisher, brother of Hector Munro, resided at Scullomie, Tongue. 8 • 30 Mar 1851 census: age 32, weaver etc., head of household at Scullomie, Tongue. 7 • 7 Apr 1861 census: age 42, merchant, head of household at Coldbackie, Tongue. 9 • 19 Jul 1861: registered birth of niece Catherine S. Munro, Scullomie, Tongue. 10 • 2 Apr 1871 census: age 52, general merchant, head of household at Coldbackie, Tongue. 11 • 27 Jul 1876: registered death of niece, Georgina Munro, Modsary, Tongue, SUT. 12 • Hugh MUNRO is memorialised on a stone in Cemetery, St Andrew's Church, Tongue, Sutherland, Scotland. Hugh married Robertina SUTHERLAND [2467] [MRIN: 741], daughter of William SUTHERLAND [2497] and Christina MACLEOD [2478], on 17 Dec 1847 in Tongue, SUT.1 2 3 (Robertina SUTHERLAND [2467] was born on 14 Aug 1829 in Tongue, SUT 4 13 and died on 25 Jun 1917 in Tongue, SUT 2 4.) |
1 Karen Sutherland-Pahia email information.
Tongue Tenants Roll 075 Coldbackie (old no.5).
1830 John Mackay
1848 Widow John Mackay, from her husband
1852 Hugh Munro
1879 Widow Hugh Munro
1894 Widow Hugh Munro & Son (Widow. H. Munro d. 1917)
1917 Andrew Munro, sole tenant
1934 Hugh Munro, ass. LCO 31/12/1934 by father
1958 Included in R.71
3 LDS Batch M110564 Tongue 1819-1854.
Tongue Grave 055 (Hugh Munro).
Erected by ROBERTINA SUTHERLAND in memory of her beloved husband HUGH MUNRO, merchant, Coldbackie, Tongue, who died 16th Jany 1879 aged 61 years. Also the above Robertina Sutherland died 25th June, 1917, aged 87 years. And their daughter MARGARET MUNRO who died 6th April 1933, aged 84 years.
[on side] In loving memory of ANDREW MUNRO died 9th January 1935 aged 70 years. Also his wife ANGUSINA MACDONALD died 10th February 1919 aged 47 years. Their son HUGH McKENZIE MUNRO died 1st January 1980 aged 72. And their daughter JESSIE BARBARA MUNRO who died 27th July 1991 aged 83 years. [transcript Mary Young 2002]
Tongue Deaths 1879 056/02 (Hugh Munro, Coldbackie).
HUGH MUNRO, 16 January 1879 Coldbacky. 61 general merchant married, Robertina Sutherland; Andrew Munro crofter decd. Margaret Munro ms Mackay decd. paralysis 3 months. informant Alexander Munro son present.
6 Tongue Free Church Baptismal Book 1843-1877 (NAS CH3/449 no.3).
1851 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 10, page 15, schedule no. 31, household of Hugh Munro, weaver (living with brother Hector at Scullomie);
Hugh Munro 32 M head, weaver, herring fisher and meal monger, Tongue
Robena Munro 22 M wife, Tongue
Margret Munro 1 daughter, Tongue
"J. Horsburgh factor's visitation of Tongue tenants, 1844-1845,"; ms notebook; Sutherland Estate Papers DEP 313/184; National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh;
29 June 1844 - SCULLOMIE No.10 - HECTOR MUNRO Second house on west side of road. Lot No.3 of Plan 1829. 2.2.19 arable and -.3.21 in pasture, in all 3.2. Has improved and drained a good deal since 1829. Now in good order and no more land to take in. Rent £4 15s. 11d. Garden.
House A new Tenantry one - thatched - clay partition, lofted over room.
Family - tenant an active young fellow about 31 years of age, a weaver and herring fisher. Has a wife [Johan Sutherland] and one child of 2 months old [Catherine]. The Mother [Margaret Mackay], a woman of 72 lives with him and likewise his Brother Hugh, aged 25, who is also a weaver and a fisher. Mother on Poors' Roll. Stock - 3 cows, 1 stirk, 18 sheep; on-line transcript at http://cmy.iay.org.uk/resources/1844.htm
1861 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 8, page 5, schedule no. 21, household of Hugh Munro, merchant (Coldbackie);
Hugh Munro 42 M head, merchant, Tongue
Robt Ina Munro 31M wife, Tongue
Margt Munro 11 daughter, Tongue
Christina Munro 9 daughter, Tongue
Williamina Munro 7 daughter, Tongue
Andw Ina Munro 5 daughter, Tongue
Alex Munro 3 son, Tongue
Dond Munro 5 months, son, Tongue
Christina McLeod 74 W mother-in-law, midwife, Tongue
Christina Munro 17 U domestic servant, Tongue
Sinclair McKay 19 ag.labourer, servant, Tongue
Tongue Births 1861 056/34 image (Catherine Munro, Scullomie).
CATHERINE SUTHERLAND MUNRO; 19th July 1861 Scullomey Tongue; female; Hector Munro, tenant and weaver; Johan Munro ms Sutherland, married [date faded away] Braekirkiboll; inf. Hugh Munro, uncle, not present.
1871 census of Scotland, Sutherland, Volume 56 Tongue, enumeration district (ED) 8, page 5, schedule no. 21, household of Hugh Munro (Coldbackie);
Hugh Munro 52 M head, general merchant, Tongue
Robertina Munro 41 M wife, Tongue
Margaret Munro 21 U daughter, Tongue
Christian Munro 19 U daughter, Tongue
Andrewena Munro 14 daughter, Tongue
Alexander Munro 12 son, scholar, Tongue
Donald Munro 10 son, scholar, Tongue
Andrew Munro 7 son, scholar, Tongue
Hugh Munro 4 son, Tongue
John Munro 1 son, Tongue
Tongue Deaths 1876 056/17 image (Georgina Munro, Modsary).
GEORGINA MUNRO, single; 27 July 1876 at Modsary, Tongue; female, 36; Alexander Munro, weaver, deceased; Caroline Munro ms McIntosh deceased; unknown, no medical attendant; informant Hugh Munro, uncle.
13 John S. O. Ross to Mary Young re his ancestors.
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