Jessie STEWART [9447]
(Abt 1885-1954) |
Jessie STEWART [9447]Jessie married Henry MATHER [766] [MRIN: 2800], son of William Kelly MATHER [302] and Jane PORTER [303], in 1902.1 (Henry MATHER [766] was born in 1880 in Glasgow 2 and died after 1954 1.) |
1 Helen (Helen Mather's grand-daughter) 2006-05-17, Great uncle Harry [Henry Mather] married Jessie Stewart in 1902 and she died in 1954. Uncle Harry then went to live with his son who was a lab technician and had married a woman from the Netherlands and they had a daughter called Jessie. I can't remember now which part of Glasgow they lived in.
2 1881 Census.
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