John LEWIS, (1) [1107]
(Abt 1837-Aft 1878)
Ann JONES [1108]
(Abt 1838-1879)
John JONES [3241]
(Bef 1845-)
Jane EDWARDS [3242]
(Bef 1845-)
Thomas LEWIS [7958]
(Abt 1864-1920)
Sarah Jane JONES [2244]
(Abt 1863-1901)
Mary Maud LEWIS [2251]


Family Links

Mary Maud LEWIS [2251]

  • Born: 18 Sep 1900, 92, Westmuir Street, Glasgow 1
  • Died: 29 Jun 1902, 21, Coalhill Street, Glasgow aged 1 2

  General Notes:

The 1901 census shows this child as
"Margaret M. Lewis age 5"
but should be "Mary M. Lewis age 5months"

  Noted events:

31 Mar 1901 census: age 5 months, daughter of Thomas Lewis at 32, Society Road, Glasgow. 3


1 Glasgow Camlachie Births 1900 644-2/1562.
born 18 Sep. 1900 at 92 Westmuir Street, Glasgow
father Thomas Lewis coalpit labourer
mother Sarah Jane Lewis m/s Jones
married 19 October 1885 Swansea, Wales
informant Thomas Lewis, father.

2 Glasgow Camlachie Deaths 1902 644-02/547.
MARY MAUD LEWIS age 21 months
died 29 June 1902 at 21 Coalhill Street, Glasgow
parents Thomas Lewis labourer, mother Sarah Jane Lewis ms Jones
marasmus 6 months [i.e. failure to thrive]; informant Thomas Lewis father present.

3 1901 census of Scotland, Lanark, Vol.644/2 Camlachie (32 Society Street), enumeration district (ED) 59, page 24, schedule no. 117;
Thomas Lewis 38 M head, general labourer, Wales
Sarah J Lewis 38 M wife, Wales
Jane A Lewis 14 daughter, Wales
Thomas Lewis 12 son, Wales
Martha Lewis 10 daughter, Wales
Lydia Lewis 5 daughter, Wales
Alfred J Lewis 4 son, Wales
Margaret M Lewis 5 months, daughter, Wales
(this is really Mary Maud, who was born Sep.1900 in Glasgow)

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